Thanks again Alexis, for all of the work that you did on me. It’s a continuing experience of light coming in. I was floating in light for a few days after my session with you. Then the fear of losing it and slipping back into the pain body kept nagging me. I remembered what you said about not looking for the old pain, and each time it came up, I tried to re-focus on being present in the moment and shifting the energy back to light. After awhile, the whole situation seemed to stabilize. I’m not floating so much now, but I’m not overwhelmed by the pain body either. I feel my energy flowing and I focus more on positive thoughts and feel a sense of confidence that my life has made a turn and things will just continually get better from now on. A lot of the physical pain symptoms are now gone. Some remained but they are much more manageable. The difference is that now that I’m not constantly being attacked by the pain body, I can see things moving forward steadily and am experiencing a knowing that all is better. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for ALL that you did. Yours in peace, Mike