I was given the honor to share Oneness Blessings in an annual event that the Mayor Aaron Irizar López for the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico & his wife organized, celebrating Children’s day and Mother’s day together on the same day. Just guessing I would say that there were at least 3000 families present that day.

I was overwhelmed with the high quality and (even more so) the quantity of merchandise offered from them, as gifts to the people of their city; all in honor of Mother’s and their Children. They so generously invested millions of pesos in kitchen appliances, kitchen accessories, dining furniture with televisions and DVD players as gifts for the mothers as well as a multitude of toys, games and an impressively high number of bicycles for children and young adults being sure to provide something for all ages. Everyone received free tickets for the lottery type drawing which many of us took turns drawing the winning numbers!
There was a master of ceremonies professional clown that was leading the event and after joyfully spending the day together bathing in the Grace, I learned from him that this particular Mayor and his wife were the first couple in office to fully support the large group of professional clowns in the city; providing them with an abundance of work, allowing them to bring joyful smiles to the hearts of thousands of parents and children residing in the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico.

What a blessing for this lovely city! I do hope and pray that someday this special Mayor runs and is elected Governor of state so both he and his loving wife may have the opportunity to reach even more people of their country and continue sharing the overflowing love that is so abundant in their hearts.

As always in Love and Light** at the ever humble service of the Divine, Alexis