Hello Alexis – Thank you for your sharing of graciousness and love at the Center for Creative Living AZ Deeksha event 5-18. Your energy is contagious.

I had set the intent the Deeksha energy help my left leg become flexible again as it has been locked from knee down for several years even after much alternative healing attempts. I am open to seeing any lessons in this situation for me…checked Louise Hays book and found that letting go of fear to move forward and fear of the future was key to healing the lower leg and foot. I am exploring where I may be stuck in that area. Last night during the Deeksha treatments I heard cracking in the back of my head and neck.

I felt strong desire to listen to the Chakra Dhyana CD this morning and began to. While focusing on the 2nd chakra, tears began flowing down my face….no thoughts just tears, not sure where this was coming from after this the CD began hesitating and not playing continuously…by the 4th chakra it stopped. My leg has felt some pain in places that have been without muscle or movement for a long time…but still it is not bending. My head has throbbed all day and I have felt very tired. I am accepting this is part of the healing process – correct ?

Your description of The Power of Now CD resonated with me and intend to find that as soon as possible… I would like to do more ego observing than living out of it.

Thank you for your words of wisdom and love. You are such a gift to the world. in light.

Joanne West

Alexis responds:

Yes Joanne ALL is your process.
You are in a deep intense healing process & your body needs to rest.
Do make that special time for yourself and rest.
Even the CD stopping at the Heart Chakra that was no accident.
Try another CD player & do listen again soon.
And stay with whatever comes up without resistance.
Sending you Love & Grace to support you in your process.
