My dear friend Alexis, thanks so much for your weekly articles that I so loyally read in Cancun’s QueQui Newspaper each Friday. I wish to share with you that even when I re-read them, I always learn something new! They are like a Divine Light arriving straight to my soul. I’m living and finding myself always under the intense Cancun sun as I am a street vendor. I surprised myself one time listening to my “Dog of a mind” as Alexis so lovingly calls it, that incessantly barks and at times I plead for it to stop as most things that it says are not true. I want to share that we have experienced many coincidences since the last time that we’ve received your blessings in your Cancún sessions. For example, just one day before reading your article that was published in the newspaper QueQui on February 9th “The Mind is like a Sewer” . The living room of the house began to emit a disgusting and rotting odor and so of course I began to search for it’s source. And without success I thoroughly cleaned everything in the area and the rotten smell still persisted! I was exhausted at the end of the day and placed the blame on my beloved pet dog and cat.

With my husband Luis and daughter Alejandra we planned that on the following day we would surely find the cause of this unbearable odor! And as it happened the next day we didn’t have the necessary time so when I returned from work the first thing that I did it was to search for the source of this rotten smell. Much later; very tired and disappointed I sat in my reclining chair in the living room and read your weekly newspaper article, this one being titled “The Mind is like a Sewer” and I realized that the golden lid was my meticulous living room apparently all clean and bright with all of the pine sol scent and furniture shine but actually didn’t serve for much.. Upon reading your article I went directly to the internal part of the living room fan which was the only place that I hadn’t reviewed and found the smelly evidence. And just like the rats in the sewer, there was a dead and decomposing mouse completely incrusted inside of the fan! The cat must have injured it badly and when trying to flee it found its way there to die. After living this quite profound experience I will now be more aware of cleaning more my interior rather then focusing so much on bathing my exterior. I’m hoping that soon the Divine will replace my mental dog that barks even more than my pet dog Shasha. Sending you a warm hug and much love.
Your dear friend Addy Morayta