Dear Alexis,

I wanted to thank you for helping me with the problem with my legs. Prior to meeting you I had been experiencing a burning and a tingling sensation from my knees to my hips. Similar to the feeling one gets when your leg falls asleep. It caused me constant discomfort and I was rarely able to sleep through the night as a result.

My medical doctor had no advice; other than offering prescriptions for pain, which I was not interested in taking. My chiropractor said it was a spine misalignment and was able to help only intermittently by doing adjustments. Relief would last only a week or so. I had suffered from this pain for over two years.

Since I met with you six months ago and you did the energy work with the focus on my legs I have been symptom free. I am just amazed and very grateful for your help.

Ray Schwiecker Cancun, Mexico / March 18, 2010