Namaste Beloveds!

After spending the last 2 months working very intensely with the beautiful Spanish people of Barcelona in Spain it was time to leave for other parts of the world to spread the Dharma, mainly introducing this in new parts of the U.S. and Mexico for these next few months.

As 15 persons from Barcelona returned from the GC February, 21 day process, I felt that all the ground breaking hard work there & Freddy’s fall visit was successful as those persons would continue to lovingly spread Amma & Bhagavan’s Grace to all.

Thank you Roberto at Amaltea for being beside me thru all of that hard work & success!

There was a lovely going away Diksha Party with Roberto at Amaltea and I had tears cascading down my cheeks as I said goodbye to many beautifully transformed souls that didn’t miss even one Diksha Event & all 3 Courses I held during those 7 weeks.

And Susana was so lovingly by my side giving of herself to every detail needed by myself and each participant. Thank you Susana for all your love & humble service, you are truly a special soul. I couldn’t of done it without you!

It was an honor to be part of everyone’s process & to work so deeply together with them & their personal transformation thru A & B’s Grace.

I would miss each of them deeply as we had become a close family.

Passing thru London to catch my plane to Chicago, I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to share the Grace with a lovely intimate evening group in London.

Upon leaving them in deep states of peace with some having cosmic out of body experiences, I happily boarded my Air India flight to Chicago.

Without a need to rest……. in 2012 Freddy says we will have a chance to rest……………….

I found myself speaking about The Dharma with the Air India Flight Cabin Crew during the flight & found them so loving with open hearts, and all very interested in receiving Diksha.

So one by one I led them upstairs where they have a Crew Resting Room with 10 bunk-beds

(back by the bathrooms is the hidden entrance)

I discovered these things spending half of my life on International Flights

I felt that they would be able to at least relax there from their work for a few minutes.

So there I was, honored for the opportunity to give Diksha to the lovely open hearts of Air India Flight# 123 Flight Cabin Crew, sharing Amma & Bhagavan’s Grace.

At 36,000 Feet!

It was very powerful!

They were all VERY grateful feeling deep states of peace & healing from physical aches & pains in their bodies & felt sorry that all 16 of their co-workers weren’t able to experience the Diksha as their work didn’t allow the time for all to escape to receive Diksha during that short 8 hour flight from London to Chicago

Upon landing in Chicago, I was disembarking from the plane & I found myself being called into the First Class Cabin by a beautiful female flight attendant, Neha, also wanting Diksha.

As she fell into a very deep state, leaving her body for other realms, the lovely In Flight Supervisor Mr.Khushroo was very interested to know more as his staff were informing him of this beautiful phenomenon that they were all so fortunate to receive on his flight.

He also wished to experience this.

Feeling his beautiful open heart, I offered to visit them in their Downtown Holiday Inn Hotel during their layover in Chicago and share the Grace with all of them as a group.

I had Spanish Groups those first days 2 hours drive west of Chicago in Belvedere (Rockford) and it decided to snow heavily on that morning as I drove in to the City but Bhagavan took very good care of me seeing that I arrived safely.

The crew & I spent 4 hours together in Flight Attendant Neha’s room going very deeply in Meditation & Grace with all reaching very beautiful states & feeling like a close loving family as we all connected in the heart very deeply thru the magic of Amma & Bhagavan’s Grace.

We all also enjoyed a lovely lunch together after.

They asked me to please write about them as they wanted the world to know of their gratefulness to Amma & Bhagavan for receiving this Divine Gift.

It was difficult to leave them but I had another group organized in Glenview just 4 hours later.

I know that when I return to Bombay, India later in the year we will have a lovely reunion.

I gave them the website information so that they may find Diksha groups there in Bombay

to continue receiving the Grace as they all wish to continue in their transformation.

Thank you Bhagavan for showing us that we are ALL family regardless of race & religion;

we only need to connect a bit more at the heart level to recognize it.

So I still continue to find tears falling down my cheeks during the heartfelt goodbyes of all the families that are created thru Amma’s & Bhagavan’s Grace.

At the Humble Feet of Amma & Bhagavan

Namaste , Alexis