Hello Alexis, I am writing to thank you again for this wonderful experience I had the chance to live again in your course / workshop for the transmission of energy, which I really think it is transmission of LOVE, at least I felt so yesterday September 18, 2010 by the evening or night (I lost notion of time) with the wonderful experience of feeling the presence of my mother. Since you talked about the theme of the family, the magic started, I think it was a trigger to hear you talk about the burden we all carry, perhaps that happened to me with my mother, although she died 12 years ago I believe I have some hidden feelings of guilt that would not let me go forward, but with what I felt yesterday, now I’m sure that the only thing was needed was to forgive me myself, I realized that she only expresses love and for now, I will put into practice what you recommended to me, allow her to talk to me.

I think I’ve also expanded more my perception, I thought that as I had already attended a similar workshop, it had no case to go back, how wrong I was and I thank that little voice that said, “you have to go, since the experience was not only different but stronger, it was more real. Perhaps I don´t resist myself so much anymore. Finally, I just want to thank you that for being that link, that channel to feel and experience all that I experienced yesterday, I really I took advantage of it the most, I think I became a giant vacuum of energy. Thanks Alexis, God bless you