Hi Alexis, it is indeed a great pleasure to write, especially to thank for your generosity in sharing the wonderful gift that the Divine placed in you.

Yesterday, I felt fortunate to attend one of your Cancun courses to really experience firsthand for myself the wonder of what some of your newspaper articles have produced in me, more so for curiosity than as a practitioner of spiritual “techniques”. I decided for myself to know more about your articles that I have read and really loved so I visited your website and reading its contents made me ecstatic. Yesterday upon finishing your course, I can only tell you that my father once told me that I had to learn lessons either thru love or pain, and according to me, I had to learn through pain, but the good thing is that I finally understood it. For me, yesterday was a kind of initiation into the path of learning thru love, which I now know is the new path I have chosen to continue my growth, and everything that I wanted to express about yesterday, is summarized in one only word: THANK YOU!

And that is all that I can tell you, I just felt complete stillness and peace, and since a very long time (perhaps as a baby), I had not experienced that. It’s probably the closest thing to tranquility that I have ever experienced and for me this is a great gift. I now know that my search has to do with that peace, with that stillness that I experienced, that is why I write this e-mail full of gratitude to you. I’m doing it with the help from the Divine, but you were the link that helped me realize that the Divine really is here, and that it exists. I think that’s faith and I know now that I have it.

Alexis, if you continue sharing more of your gift in another course or workshop, please include me. Thanks again and I hope that our paths will soon cross again. God bless you.

Yusef Levi